South Pacific Today
What themes in South Pacific still resonate in 2020, and how do you continue to elevate those themes?
Critic, Frank Rich, about the 2008 Revival of South Pacific:
“The show’s racial conflicts are also startlingly alive. Nellie Forbush, far from her hometown of Little Rock, recoils from de Becque when she learns that he fathered two children by a Polynesian woman. In the original script, Nellie denigrates de Becque’s late wife as “colored.” (Michener gave Nellie a more incendiary word in his book.) “Colored” was cut in rehearsals then but has been restored now, and it lands like a brick in the theater. It’s not only upsetting in itself. It’s upsetting because Nellie isn’t some cracker stereotype - she’s lovable (especially as embodied by the actress Kelli O’Hara). But how can we love a racist? And how can she not love Emile’s young mixed-race children?”
- New York Times: Memorial Day at ‘South Pacific’ - Frank Rich
Watch the Tony Performance in 2008:
RnH Goes Pop:
Two reinterpretations of South Pacific’s songs
“Younger Than Springtime”
Experience Rodgers & Hammerstein like never before! Contemporary twists on timeless classics, R&H GOES POP! is an unforgettable celebration of 75 years of Broadway’s most influential collaborators. Join your favorite Broadway stars as they put their own spin on the Rodgers & Hammerstein songbook.
“This Nearly Was Mine”
R&H GOES POP! - "This Nearly Was Mine” Artist: Ryan McCartan Hosted by Laura Osnes Music Direction and Arrangements by Alan Schmuckler Directed and Shot by Jeff Barry and Shawn Willis, Notice Pictures